
Below are links to book chapters and journal articles by Professor Wald.

5-1c90mpx“Farmworkers and the Alternative Food Movement in U.S. Debates about Citizenship, Immigration, and Agricultural Labor.” Diálogo 19.2 (2016) “Sustainable Harvests: Food Justice, Community-Based Learning, and Environmental Justice Pedagogy.” Service Learning and Literary Studies in English. Eds. Laurie Grobman and Roberta Rosenberg. New York: Modern Language Association Press, 2015. 224-234. “Hisaye Yamamoto as Radical Agrarian.” Asian American Literature and the Environment. Eds. Lorna Fitzsimmons, Youngsuk Chae, and Bella Adams.  New York: Routledge Press, 2014. 149-66.
“‘Refusing to Halt’: Mobility and the Quest for Spatial Justice in Helena María Viramontes’s Their Dogs Came with Them and Karen Tei Yamashita’s Tropic of Orange.” Western American Literature 48.1 + 48.2 (2013): 70-89. “Teaching Diversity with an Inclusive Ecocriticism.” Teachers’ Guide to The Colors of Nature. Milkweed Press, 2013. Web

“Visible Farmers/Invisible Workers: Locating Immigrant Labor in Food Studies.” Food, Culture, and Society 14.4 (2011): 567-86.
“Planting Japanese Roots in U.S. Soil: Ecological Citizenship in David Mas Masumoto’s Harvest Son and Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston’s The Legend of Fire Horse Woman.” American Studies, Ecocriticism, and Citizenship: Thinking and Acting in the Local and Global Commons. Eds. Joni Adamson and Kimberly Ruffin. New York: Routledge Press, 2012. 87-100. “‘We ain’t foreign’: Constructing the Joads’ White Citizenship.” The Grapes of Wrath: A Reconsideration. Michael J. Meyer, ed. Dialogue Series. Volume 2. Atlanta: Rodopi Press, 2009. 481-505.