Recommendations for Further Reading
Farm Labor
Chan, Sucheng. This Bittersweet Soil: The Chinese in California Agriculture, 1860-1910. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.
Flores, Lori. Grounds for Dreaming: Mexican Americans, Mexican Immigrants, and the California Farmworkers Movement. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.
Garcia, Matthew. From the Jaws of Victory: The Triumph and Tragedy of the Cesar Chavez and the Farm Worker Movement. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2012.
Harrison, Jill. Pesticide Drift and the Pursuit of Environmental Justice. Boston: MIT Press, 2011.
Holmes, Seth. Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies: Migrant Farmworkers in the United States. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Loza, Mireya. Defiant Braceros: How Migrant Workers Fought for Racial, Sexual, and Political Freedom. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2016.
McWilliams, Carey. Factories in the Field: The Story of Migratory Farm Labor in California. Boston: Little, Brown, 1939.
Mitchell, Don. The Lie of the Land: Migrant Workers and the California Landscape. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1996.
Pawel, Miriam. The Union of Their Dreams: Power, Hope, and Struggle in Cesar Chavez’s Farmworker Movement. New York: Bloomsbury Press, 2010.
Sackman, Douglas Cazaux. Orange Empire: California and the Fruits of Eden. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Sifuentez, Mario Jimenez. Of Forests and Fields: Mexican Labor in the Pacific Northwest. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 2015.
Tsu, Cecila M. Garden of the World: Asian Immigrants and the Making of Agriculture in California’s Santa Clara Valley. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
Vargas, Zaragosa. Labor Rights are Civil Rights: Mexican American Workers in Twentieth-Century America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005.
Weber, Devra. Dark Sweat, White Gold: California Farm Workers Cotton and the New Deal. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994.
American Agrarianism
Conlogue, William. Working the Garden: American Writers and the Industrialization of Agriculture. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2001.
Lye, Colleen. America’s Asia: Racial Form and American Literature, 1893-1945. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2005.
Sarver, Stephanie L. Uneven Land: Nature and Agriculture in American Writing. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1999.
Writers on the Left
Battat, Erin Royston. Ain’t Got No Home: America’s Great Migrations and the Making of an Interracial Left. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
Denning, Michael. The Cultural Front: The Laboring of American Culture in the Twentieth Century. New York: Verso, 1997.
Keith, Joseph. Unbecoming Americans: Writing Race and Nation from the Shadows of Citizenship, 1945-1960. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2012.
Vials, Chris. Realism for the Masses: Aesthetics, Popular Front Pluralism, and U.S. Culture, 1935-1947. Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2009.
Wald, Alan M. Exiles From a Future Time: The Forging of the Mid-Twentieth Century Literary Left (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press), 2002.
_____. Trinity of Passion: The Literary Left and the Antifascist Crusade (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007),
_____. American Night: The Literary Left in the Era of the Cold War (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press), 2012.
Race and the Environment
Adamson, Joni, Mei Mei Evans, and Rachel Stein, eds. The Environmental Jsutice Reader: Politics, Poetics, and Pedagogy. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2002.
Finney, Carolyn. Black Faces, White Spaces: Reimagining the Relationship of African Americans to the Great Outdoors. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.
Finseth, Ian Frederick. Shades of Green: Visions of Nature in the Literature of American Slavery, 1770-1860. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2009.
Gamber, John. Positive Pollutions and Cultural Toxins: Waste and Contamination in Contemporary U.S. Ethnic Literatures. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012.
Kosek, Jake. Understories: The Political Life of Forests in Northern New Mexico. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016.
Myers, Jeffrey. Converging Stories: Race, Ecology, and Environmental Justice in American Literature. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2005.
Murphy, Patrick D. Farther Afield in the Study of Nature-Oriented Literature. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2000.
Outka, Paul. Race and Nature from Transcendentalism to the Harlem Renaissance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
Park, Lisa and David Pellow. The Slums of Aspen: Immigrants vs. the Environment in America’s Eden. New York: New York University Press, 2011.
Pulido, Laura. Environmentalism and Economic Justice: Two Chicano Struggles in the Southwest. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1996.
Ray, Sarah Jaquette. The Ecological Other: Environmental Exclusion in American Culture. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2013.
Ruffin, Kimberly N. Black on Earth: African American Ecoliterary Traditions. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2010.
Schweninger, Lee. Listening to the Land: Native American Literary Responses to the Landscape. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2008.
Smith, Kimberly K. African American Environmental Thought: Foundations. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2007.
Spence, Mark David. Dispossessing the Wilderness: Indian Removal and the Making of the National Parks. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Stern, Alexandra Minna. Eugenic Nation: Faults and Frontiers of Better Breeding in Modern America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005.
Sturgeon, Noël. Environmentalism in Popular Culture: Gender, Race, Sexuality, and the Politics of the Natural. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2008.
Tsing, Anna L. The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015.
Ybarra, Priscilla Solis. Writing the Good Life: Mexican American Literature and the Environment. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2016.
The Alternative Food Movement
Allen, Patricia. Together at the Table: Sustainability and Sustenance in the American Agrifood System. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004.
Biltekoff, Charlotte. Eating Right in America: The Cultural Politics of Food and Health. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2000.
Gray, Margaret. Labor and the Locavore. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2013.
Guthman, Julie. Weighing In: Obesity, Food Justice, and the Limits of Capitalism. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011.
Brandzel, Amy. Against Citizenship: The Violence of the Normative. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2016.
Bosniak, Linda. The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006.
Creef, Elena Tajima. Imagining Japanese America: The Visual Construction of Citizenship, Nation, and Body. New York: New York University Press, 2004.
Lopez, Ian Haney. White by Law: The Legal Construction of Race. New York: New York University Press, 2006.
Molina, Natalia. How Race is Made in America. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014.
Ngai, Mae. Impossible Subjects: Illegal Aliens and the Making of Modern America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.
Political Belonging
Buff, Rachel. Immigration and the Political Economy of Home: West Indian Brooklyn and American Indian Minneapolis, 1945-1992. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.
Schmidt Camacho, Alicia. Migrant Imaginaries: Latino Cultural Politics in the U.S. Mexico Borderlands. New York: New York University Press, 2008.
Harris, Cheryl L. “Whiteness as Property.” Harvard Law Review 106, no. 8 (1993): 1707-91.
Moreton-Robinson, Aileen. The White Possessive: Property, Power, and Indigenous Sovereignty. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2015.